Lvneng S4 (EEC)
The Lvneng S4 (EEC) is an ইলেকট্রিক স্কুটার by electric scooter manufacturer Lvneng from China. The company is dedicated to electric scooters since 1999 and has its own factory.
The S4 (EEC) is designed and certified for the European market.
The scooter has a ১,৩০০ ওয়াট electric motor by Bosch for a limited top speed of ৪৫ কিলোমিটার/ঘণ্টা.
The scooter has a removable ২৮ অ্যাম্পিয়ার ঘণ্টা Lithium battery for a range of ৮০ কিলোমিটার.
The scooter has a digital dashboard.
The scooter has many unique features including a parking mode, reverse gear, bluetooth connectivity and extra strong puncture resistant tyres.
The scooter provides USB charging ports for a mobile phone.
The scooter is available in any color and with a custom business print.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
2025 Lvneng Models
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