Kumpan 1953
The 1953 is no longer in production.
The Kumpan Model 1954 Ri S is a second generation ইলেকট্রিক স্কুটার from a German company dedicated to electric scooters. The brand provides an exceptional quality finishing comparable with the popular Vespa scooters.
The 1953 is the first electric scooter from Kumpan.
The scooter has a romantic Italian retro design of the 50s that makes the scooter popular with woman.
The scooter has a powerfull ২,৫০০ ওয়াট electric motor with ১০০ নিউটন মিটার torque.
The scooter offers capacity of up to three removeable batteries for a range up to ১৫০ কিলোমিটার.
The scooter is easy to handle for use in cities. The scooter has a lockable storage compartment under the seat and has an open glove box. In addition, the scooter comes equipped with a stainless steel rack. On top, you can add a top case in the color of the scooter.
Kumpan provides 2 years warranty.
The scooter can be ordered in many color combinations.
2025 Kumpan Electric Models
Old Models
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