KSR MOTO is a well known scooter and cross motorcycle brand from Austria. The KSR MOTO TTX is the second ইলেকট্রিক স্কুটার from the brand that was presented at EICMA 2017 where the scooter was very popular.
The scooter has all-terrain mudguards and cross tires enabling it to go off-road.
The scooter is equipped with two adjustable gas shock absorbers and front and rear disc brakes.
The scooter has a powerful ২,০০০ ওয়াট in-wheel electric motor. The Silicone Gel batteries offer a range of ৭০ কিলোমিটার with a charging time of ৪৮০ মিনিট.
The electric scooter KSR TTX is available in the colors white or black. The scooter can be ordered with larger rims and regular road tires.
The trunk of the scooter can accommodate a helmet.
2025 KSR MOTO Models
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