Husqvarna Vektorr
The Husqvarna Vektorr is a state of the art and high quality ইলেকট্রিক স্কুটার by well known brand Husqvarna from Sweden. The brand was established in 1689 and became market leader in several appliance markets. The brand produced its first motorcycle in 1903. The brand is owned by PIERER Mobility, owner of several motorcycle brands including the famous brand KTM.
The platform of the scooter is shared with the Bajaj Chetak scooter from India. The platform is optimized for high efficiency and durability and supports a motor power up to ৪,০০০ ওয়াট.
The scooter has a powerful ৪,০০০ ওয়াট electric motor and a restricted top speed of ৪৫ কিলোমিটার/ঘণ্টা. Without a restriction, the top speed is estimated to be +/- 80-90 km/h. The motor provides fast acceleration.
The scooter has an easy to swap air cooled IP67-rated Lithium battery pack for a driving range of ৯৫ কিলোমিটার.
The scooter is available in many colors and with a custom business print.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide.
2025 Husqvarna Models
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