Carver Cargo
The Carver Cargo is an innovative electric scooter-car cross over from an electric scooter manufacturer from The Netherlands. The scooter category is described as Enclosed Narrow Vehicle or ENV which enables the driver to have the benefits of a scooter (no driving license, no helmet, free parking) combined with the benefits of a car (water proof, extra safe, room for baggage).
The Carver Cargo is a special version of the popular Carver scooter that is designed for cargo and delivery purposes. The scooter provides 500 liter cargo space with optional heating or cooling (freeze) modules.
The Carver has a powerful ২,০০০ ওয়াট electric motor in each wheel (৪,০০০ ওয়াট total) for a top speed of ৪৫ কিলোমিটার/ঘণ্টা. The scooter accelerates from ৮ সেকেন্ডে 0 থেকে ৪৫ কিমি/ঘন্টা.
The scooter has a ৫.৬ কিলোওয়াট ঘণ্টা Lithium battery for an effective driving range of ১০০ কিলোমিটার. The battery can be charged in ৩৬০ মিনিট with a regular power socket.
The Carver Cargo provides mobile connectivity that enables to connect the vehicle to fleet management software. The scooter has a built-in audio system and provides an optimized solution for hands-free calling. The scooter can be equipped with air conditioning.
The scooter has a innovative tilt-system that enables the scooter to make steep turns, safely. It is named Dynamic Vehicle Control (DVC™) or controlled balance system. The system makes it extra easy to drive the scooter.
The DVC is reliable, predictable and extremely responsive. It secures your stability at all times and generates an amazing driving sensation.
The scooter is just 98 cm wide which is comparable with a motorcycle and that makes it more easy to drive the scooter in urban areas.
The scooter is available in any color and with a custom business print. The scooter can be customized by the factory to meet special business requirements.
The scooter is provided with 2 years warranty.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.
2025 Carver Models
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